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Entry 5

Updated: May 31, 2022

Most three year olds want nothing more than to be in the same room as their family. They’ll ask their parents to play. And they won’t tire of the company until they begin to fall apart at the seams. Even then, they’ll fight to stay up out of fear they might miss something.

Then? They get busy with school and friends and technology and goals and love.

And then? Most eighty-three year olds want nothing more than to be in the same room as their family. They’ll watch their family play. They won’t tire of the company until they fall asleep in their recliners. Even then, they will fall into sadness when they awake to the silence of an empty home.

(And I won’t even bring up the diapers occasionally coming full circle…)

Music, political beliefs, sports franchises, everything. It seems everything comes back eventually. Put another way: what was coveted in the past, will be coveted again.

That’s why we live in Skull Valley. A remote patch of land fought over by native tribes when times were tough for its fertile soil and water supply.

And this is where I hope my family still lives the next time things get crazy.

But it isn’t just the land. Simple things are always the most valuable. Natural foods. Well-made tools. Reliable firearms. The love of your family.

The next time everything crashes and burns, these are the things that will matter most.

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